Simple, Cheap and Easy DIY Gerbera Daisies Bouquet for Wedding/Engagement
Sunday, September 20, 2015
How much do bride usually spend for her hand bouquet?? It could take hundreds of ringgit! If you could could afford it, then why not? but, if you want to save some budget, well, hi, to the brides out there, I can help you out! just like how I did to my bestfriend during her wedding! haha. cute gerbe...
How I deal with Breakouts !
Wednesday, September 9, 2015
If you're born with the clear-skin genes, be grateful!! I'm so jelous! Because to me, if you want a pretty skin, it takes a lot of hardwork. Because my family have a history of bad acne skin, I started to be concern about my skin care ever since I was 13 (though at that time there was nothing like o...