DIY Fingerless Gloves

maybe ada yang tahu and ada jugak yang tak tahu that condition tangan aku sangat severe.

it underwent 7 surgeries including the flab transfer from the forearm and still have at least another 2 surgeries.

usually kalau aku keluar jalan2 ke, i will definitely wear a pressure garment made specially for the hand or sometimes i just bandage it. it just have to be covered(!) i'm not mentally prepared to accept how i really am now (condition). but don't get me wrong, I AM THANKFUL TO ALLAH for i still have this left hand and alive. Alhamdulillah :)

minggu lepas aku beli mesin jahit smartshop. kecik je. sangat senang nak guna. aku bukan tukang jahit ke apa nak yang hebat2 sangat (ada ke mesin jahit hebat? hehe. aku tak tahu).

and the intention is to make a fingerless glove! huhu. well, first time buat, aku rasa OKAY SANGAT KOTT kikiki. perasan. seee!

simple gila! okay kan, okay kann?? saiz dia off sikit la, jahitan pun macam hape je. ini cubaan pertama. lepas ni boleh la innovate sikit. hee. kain dah macam2 dah aku beli; macam2 warna. :)

i even bought myself a book about sewing. okay, kena admit, menjahit ada teknik2 dia. boleh je kalau main bantai je tapi hasilnye nanti macam kena bantai jugak la. haha

dalam ni ada banyak contoh2 project. ada buat skirt, top, bag, macam2.
maybe lepas ni boleh bukak online boutiqe pulak? HAHA *berangan*

  1. bagusnya pandai jahit..akak tak reti pun..huhu..semoga cepat2 ok tangan tu eh..

  2. salam..
    Bella ade nampak buku the complete idiot for sewing tu kat popular. Rase macam nak beli tapi takot tak guna lak.

    Agak2 untuk someone yang memang tak tau menjahit pakai mesin menjahit berguna tak? Sebab na belajar menjahit pakai mesin.. :D

  3. glad to hear that everything was fine during the incident.. speedy recovery! :)

  4. @bella luna; saya mmg beli dekat popular! hehe. that book is good, i shall say. seriously. sebab banyak teknik dalam tu yang most of us (at least for me) tak tahu unless kita memang belajar about jahitan. and procedure for project2 yang ada dekat dalam tu sangat teliti. tu yang boleh saya ckp la :)

    @ken; thank you very much! :)


Makeover by Butterfly Project