At what age does height stops in man?
Thursday, June 30, 2011
Read more:
accurate ke wiki answer tu?? entah. what do you think?
kalau aku 165cm, boyfriend aku 165<x<170cm kott.
sikit je beza. so, tak boleh suka2 beli / pakai heels. haha
sabo je la~
Metatarsal Vs Metacarpal
Thursday, June 30, 2011
few days ago, aku pergi HUKM. macam biasa, ada appoinment with orthopedics.
before keluar dari bilik doctor tu aku pun mintak la memo sikit from doctor yang mengatakan aku ni still under rawatan macam tu. sebab bulan 9 dah nak balik UM. so, in the meantime, ada banyak yang aku kena settlekan; college etc etc.
so, i got this:
doctor tu ada review sikit la injuries aku. tapi.... aku ada musykil sikit...
before keluar dari bilik doctor tu aku pun mintak la memo sikit from doctor yang mengatakan aku ni still under rawatan macam tu. sebab bulan 9 dah nak balik UM. so, in the meantime, ada banyak yang aku kena settlekan; college etc etc.
so, i got this:
doctor tu ada review sikit la injuries aku. tapi.... aku ada musykil sikit...
doctor tulis macam ni,
"...left 2nd to 5th metatarsal & extensor tendon loss."
doctor! kaki saya bebas dari sebarang injuries okay! aisehh. kena pergi mintak balik yang lain. haishhh. banyak keje la pulak!
p/s: cuba tengok balik gambar tulang2 tangan. tengok nombor2 dekat metacarpal bones tu. cuba bayangkan nombor 2-5 tu hilang! pergi mana??? dekat HIGHWAY la kot! wuuu. ngeriii
Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab
Tuesday, June 28, 2011
Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch over hijab
Muslim woman sues Abercrombie & Fitch, says company fired her for refusing to remove headscarf
news from yahoo. click here
ini antaranya:
- Just go home *MOOSLIM* the cows are looking for one of their
- Hire a @#$% white American then! If the Muslims want to be Muslim, let them go back!
- Even if this dude tries to wear that head thing, Justin beiber will still look girlier than him.
- She should be fired. Try living in France! How do others know what is hidden under the scarf? Go back to where you came from!
- boo-hoo you stone throwing muslim.
- Hey, this muslim @$& has caught on to America ........just sue. What a joke. We do not want them here. Send them back where they came from, then nuke the place. I am personally insulted when I have to look at these hurts my eyes really bad. And, if I had to deal with one as a sales person, it would be one lost sale for that store. Get them out of my country!
@#$%^&%$# !!!! believe me, there's a lot more. menyakitkan hati! baling bom pada Amerika jommmmmm!
Gastritis - air kelapa jadi ubat.
Monday, June 27, 2011
hmm. aku memang selalu kena gastritis ni..
tapi jarang2 la seteruk semalam ):
ini semua gara2 susu.
tapi jarang2 la seteruk semalam ):
ini semua gara2 susu.
bukan minum susu basi ke apa, i drank TOO MUCH milk yesterday with an empty stomach -.-'. seriously, banyak sangat! 1 kotak besar aku sorang je. lepas tu boleh pulak aku campur2 minum air asam boy. so sebab tu acidity perut pun increase dengan mendadak. oh ya, sebab stress jugak ):
biasanya consume alucid je (ubat gastritis yang paling sedap penah aku rasa setakat ni haha) lepas tu baik. tapi tak baik baik jugak semalam. lepas tu aku start muntah2. only then i decided to go to clinic. dah kena injection baru rasa lega sikit. Alhamdulillah.
doktor bagi jugak ubat2 just in case still sakit.
just a reminder to myself and others yang ada gastritis:
On a gastritis diet milk and dairy products will need to be limited, often to only 2-3 times a day, as they can increase the acid secretions in your stomach.
doktor bagi jugak ubat2 just in case still sakit.
just a reminder to myself and others yang ada gastritis:
On a gastritis diet milk and dairy products will need to be limited, often to only 2-3 times a day, as they can increase the acid secretions in your stomach.
and an additional info from here,
Coconut water is an excellent remedy for gastritis. It gives the stomach the necessary rest and provides vitamins and minerals. The stomach is greatly helped in returning to a normal condition if nothing but coconut water is given during the first twenty-four hours.
Stylist Trick - Tie Your Shirt
Monday, June 27, 2011
Calcium and Women
Saturday, June 25, 2011
Calcium can make you less moody around your period. You need three servings of it a day, so a small scoop of low-fat fro-yo for dessert can help you reach that goal. Get the rest from milk or by snacking on cheese.
source: seventeen magazine JULY 2011
Eating foods rich in calcium like milk products or leafy green vegetables also appears to result in milder menstrual cramps.
source :
increase your calcium intake from today onwards! you know you need it :)
Calcium can make you less moody around your period. You need three servings of it a day, so a small scoop of low-fat fro-yo for dessert can help you reach that goal. Get the rest from milk or by snacking on cheese.
source: seventeen magazine JULY 2011
Eating foods rich in calcium like milk products or leafy green vegetables also appears to result in milder menstrual cramps.
source :
increase your calcium intake from today onwards! you know you need it :)
Pink Bays at parking lot
Saturday, June 25, 2011
kalau macam tak faham motif gambar aku, it's actually Pink Bays - reserved for lone lady driver or with child only.
sweet tak, sweet tak? first time aku nampak parking lot macam ni and i was like, "waaah, masyarakat kita makin considerate laa. hehe"
banyak sangat benda2 yang tak elok jadi dekat parking lot ni. in fact, opah aku sendiri pernah kena ragut dekat tempat parking! so, aku rasa memang bagus dan perlu la ada pink bays macam ni. hopefully more and more shopping mall ada pink bays!
location pink bays ni pun memang best la. dekat dengan pintu masuk and tempat tu memang tempat lalu lalang orang and security guards. confirm rasa secure gila!
Happy 20th Birthday Amy (!)
Friday, June 24, 2011
my precious Amy,
have a look at title of my entry again - you are 20! hehe
so, I wish you all the finest things in life. May Allah always bless you and be gifted with life's biggest joys and never-ending bliss. Thank you for being there to help me get rid of my fears and wipes away all my tears.
May you always wake up in the morning with a smile on your face.
Have a lovely day with your loved one today! :)
mmmuah mmuah! i love you, amy! :))
Lauk yang HARUS order dekat any thai restaurant
Thursday, June 23, 2011
mama memang peminat setia makanan2 thai. her most favourite is tomyum! so memang selalu la makan makanan thai. kalau masak dekat rumah memang kena tunggu masa terluang yang banyak sikit la. haha. order nasi putih then lauk2 seperti yang di atas...perghhh..memang umph! haha. kalau buget lebih sikit, order (5) Ikan Siakap 3 Rasa.
those are our favourite food at thai restaurant. what yours?
Happy 20th Birthday Ada!
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
oopss. sorry lambat wish ada! hee ;P
I wish you a fun-filled, bright and exciting birthday. May your birthday be filled with all that you desire and always have a smile on your face!! I wish you have lot of fun and excitement whole life. HAPPY HAPPY HAPPY BIRTHDAY MY DEAR:)
Tuesday, June 21, 2011
aku suka sangat barli! tapi tak tahu pun khasiat betul2 dia. tahu bagus macam tu je laa.
so hari ni alang2 mama masak bubur barli, google skali khasiat dia; boleh share sekali :))
- kaya dengan protein, vitamin, mineral dan asid amino yang penting. Lebih penting lagi, barli adalah salah satu sumber yang kaya dengan serat larut (dikenali sebagai beta glucan) dan serat tidak larut.
- membantu menurunkan kolesterol LDL
- menstabilkan kandungan gula dalam darah, yang boleh memberi manfaat pesakit diabetes
- mengurangkan risiko kanser, penyakit kardiovaskular dan diabetes jenis II.
senang je nak buat bubur barli - sama je macam buat air barli.
Basuh dan rendam barli untuk seketika. Masak barli bersama air dan gula di dalam periuk sehingga 1 jam atau lebih sehingga barli tu kelihatan putih serta air akan bertukar warna putih. Angkat. Boleh di minum secara suam-suam panas atau sejuk.
okay, selamat mencuba :)
10 diet and exercise myths that pack on pounds
Monday, June 20, 2011
- “Strength training will bulk me up.”
- “I exercise every day, so I can eat whatever I want.”
- “It’s harder for women to lose weight than for men.”
- “All calories are equal, so it doesn’t matter what I eat.”
- “Eating fat will make me fat.”
- “Eating at night will make me gain weight.”
- “Drinking a ton of water will help me drop pounds.”
- “Becoming a vegetarian will help me drop a size.”
- “Subbing diet soda and diet foods is a smart way to lose.”
- “Weight gain and belly fat are unavoidable after 40.”
-.-" is is just a coincidence that everything in the list was what i thought before am thinking or they actually can read my mind?? lol
if everything above is a myth so the truth will be the opposite. got what i mean??
copied and pasted from this site. read for more :)
if everything above is a myth so the truth will be the opposite. got what i mean??
copied and pasted from this site. read for more :)
Zon Melaka Bebas Asap Rokok
Monday, June 20, 2011
first time dengar : dekat Buletin 8 TV3 kot
first impression : eleh yeke?
first impression : eleh yeke?
lepas tu memang dah tak ingat dah. hehe
semalam dekat Dataran Pahlawan, ada sorang mamat ni kena tahan lepas tu kena tegur and hampir2 kena saman, then i was like : ohh serious rupanya kempen ni. sampai bila?
dalam hati tertanya-tanya : apa kesan kempen ni? ada ke penguatkuasa asap2 rokok ni? tahap mana ke'serious'an kempen2 ni? orang ramai kisah tak dengan kempen ni? angat-angat taik ayam je kot?
pada yang mungkin tak tahu, ada 5 kawasan dekat melaka ni yang diwartakan as Zon Bebas Asap Rokok:
- tapak Warisan Dunia
- Melaka Raya
- Pusat Dagangan Antarabangsa Melaka (MITC)
- bandar Jasin
- bandar Alor Gajah
" Mereka yang menyalahi peraturan ini boleh didenda antara RM250 hingga RM10,000 atau penjara tidak lebih dua tahun jika sabit kesalahan. Proses penguatkuasaan dilakukan Jabatan Kesihatan dengan kerjasama pihak berkuasa tempatan (PBT) di semua zon terbabit. "
aku rasa : kempen ni bagus jugak laa. puntung rokok dekat tempat2 yang perlu bersih akan KURANG (tak boleh cakap tak ada), KURANG la batuk2 dekat tempat2 tuu.
mungkin tak akan berkurang jumlah perokok but at least, perokok2 akan berjaga2 dekat mana boleh rokok dekat mana tak boleh.
Feminine Touch
Saturday, June 18, 2011
Lace + Pink
*in a hurry, out for a movie but i have to keep my blog updated hee ;P*
My dad has everything but not this unique gift
Friday, June 17, 2011
kikiki. title post tiru heartbeat punya iklan! *memang exaggerated sikit la* :P
so this is what i received this morning! (ordered 16th June, received 17th June)
ceramic mug!
so this is what i received this morning! (ordered 16th June, received 17th June)
ceramic mug!
every morning, mama mesti akan buatkan ayah coffee dalam mug.
ayah balik kerja pun mesti minum coffee dalam mug.
malam pun minum coffee dalam mug.
kalau bukan coffee, teh la.
serious! memang itu je yang ayah minum. kalau nak tengok ayah minum air lain memang SANGAT jarang. maksudnya mug ni adalah bahagian yang besar jugak dalam hidup ayah la kan? kalau dekat rumah, memang pengguna mug adalah ayah sahaja. tapi kalau dekat luar memang tak ada pilihan lah kan.
so, i'm very glad to give ayah the personalized mug!
i'm very much satisfied with the quality of the mug especially the quality printing colour. it's not something like sticker yang melekat dekat mug tu. it's a real print.
masa mula2 sampai tadi macam terkejut jugak sebab packing dia besar! dalam hati, 'salah bagiah hadiah ke heartbeat ni?' hehe. rupanya, punya tebal paper dia balutkan. bagus betul la heartbeat ni! :P
sebab baru first time nak cuba product heartbeat ni, aku beli yang PALING murah dekat situ. *hehe. cover. padahal nak bankrupt dah actually*
nasib baik sampai jugak hari ni. esok dah sabtu sure tak ada delivery. kalau tak kena cakap dengan ayah, 'hadiah KIV dulu eyh. tak sampai lagi'. eii. buat malu je. haha. tulis dekat situ website sampai 3-5 days. hish. buat cuak je.
anyway thanks heartbeat! :)
Thursday, June 16, 2011
tarikh Father's Day
Tuesday, June 14, 2011
Other Special Days
It may not be a public holiday but nevertheless it is celebrated
in keeping with the international trend.
YEAR 2011 | |
World Religion Day (3rd Sunday in Jan) | 16 Jan |
Valentines Day | 14 Feb |
Women's Day | 8 Mac |
Doctor's Day | 30 Mac |
April Fool's Day | 1 Apr |
Earth Day | 22 Apr |
Secretaries Day | 27 Apr |
Mothers Day | 8 May |
Malaysian Air Force Day | 01 Jun |
Race Unity Day (2nd Sunday in Jun) | 12 Jun |
Fathers Day (3rd Sunday of Jun) | 19 Jun |
Friendship Day (1st Sunday of Aug) | 07 Aug |
Grandparent's Day | 11 Sept |
Malaysian Armed Forces Day | 16 Sep |
International Day of Peace | 21 Sep |
World Teachers Day | 5 Oct |
Bosses Day | 17 Oct |
United Nations Day | 24 Oct |
Mother-in Law's Day (4th Sunday of Oct) | 23 Oct |
Halloween | 31 Oct |
All Soul's Day | 2 Nov |
Universal Children's Day | 20 Nov |
Thanksgiving Day | 22 Nov |
UN Human Rights Day | 10 Dec |
wikipedia pun date sama.
ohh. ingatkan dah missed father's day this year. sumpah cuak!
unlike dengan mama, aku just belikan ayah hadiah on either his birthday or father's day la. disebabkan hidup aku yang terlalu complicated ni, i'm having difficulties showing appreciation to my stepdad (ayah). dengan abah lagi la kan. huhu.
okay la, kena fikir nak bagi apa. belum decide lagi nak beli apa -.-' takkan nak bagi spa treatment and make up macam mama jugak. haha. macam tak seswai! any suggestion??
Etude House BB Cream
Monday, June 13, 2011
*entry menunjuk khas buat Nadhrah Syarfa*
siapa ada beli magazine lepas tu came across this; angkat tangan!
this is my favourite BB cream. first time try masa dapat sample kecik comel free from etude house. masa adik beli barang2 getting ready nak masuk uitm, dia ada la beli BB Cream ni.
today, i bought 1 too! dengan harga yang sama dengan yang adik beli hari tu, aku bukan dapat BB Cream je; dapat silky cotton pad dengan mini BB brush lagii! HAHA. kesian adikkk wuwu. tak dapek den nak nolong eh. ;P *jahat gila*
today, i bought 1 too! dengan harga yang sama dengan yang adik beli hari tu, aku bukan dapat BB Cream je; dapat silky cotton pad dengan mini BB brush lagii! HAHA. kesian adikkk wuwu. tak dapek den nak nolong eh. ;P *jahat gila*
DIY Fingerless Gloves
Monday, June 13, 2011
maybe ada yang tahu and ada jugak yang tak tahu that condition tangan aku sangat severe.
it underwent 7 surgeries including the flab transfer from the forearm and still have at least another 2 surgeries.
usually kalau aku keluar jalan2 ke, i will definitely wear a pressure garment made specially for the hand or sometimes i just bandage it. it just have to be covered(!) i'm not mentally prepared to accept how i really am now (condition). but don't get me wrong, I AM THANKFUL TO ALLAH for i still have this left hand and alive. Alhamdulillah :)
minggu lepas aku beli mesin jahit smartshop. kecik je. sangat senang nak guna. aku bukan tukang jahit ke apa nak yang hebat2 sangat (ada ke mesin jahit hebat? hehe. aku tak tahu).
and the intention is to make a fingerless glove! huhu. well, first time buat, aku rasa OKAY SANGAT KOTT kikiki. perasan. seee!
it underwent 7 surgeries including the flab transfer from the forearm and still have at least another 2 surgeries.
usually kalau aku keluar jalan2 ke, i will definitely wear a pressure garment made specially for the hand or sometimes i just bandage it. it just have to be covered(!) i'm not mentally prepared to accept how i really am now (condition). but don't get me wrong, I AM THANKFUL TO ALLAH for i still have this left hand and alive. Alhamdulillah :)
minggu lepas aku beli mesin jahit smartshop. kecik je. sangat senang nak guna. aku bukan tukang jahit ke apa nak yang hebat2 sangat (ada ke mesin jahit hebat? hehe. aku tak tahu).
and the intention is to make a fingerless glove! huhu. well, first time buat, aku rasa OKAY SANGAT KOTT kikiki. perasan. seee!
simple gila! okay kan, okay kann?? saiz dia off sikit la, jahitan pun macam hape je. ini cubaan pertama. lepas ni boleh la innovate sikit. hee. kain dah macam2 dah aku beli; macam2 warna. :)
i even bought myself a book about sewing. okay, kena admit, menjahit ada teknik2 dia. boleh je kalau main bantai je tapi hasilnye nanti macam kena bantai jugak la. haha
dalam ni ada banyak contoh2 project. ada buat skirt, top, bag, macam2.
maybe lepas ni boleh bukak online boutiqe pulak? HAHA *berangan*
My Birthday Part 3
Tuesday, June 7, 2011
hehe. aku pun tak tau la kenapa celebration birthday aku this year ber-part2.
part 1 - @UiTM & @Breeks
part 2 - Birthday Party @ my house
part 3 - @See'U
maybe sebab busy sangat lately and keluarga pun tak berpecah2 (i mean, adik dah bukan kat rumah, dia kat uitm) hehe. so, kena la tunggu semua ada baru boleh nak keluar makan sama2 :P
part 1 - @UiTM & @Breeks
part 2 - Birthday Party @ my house
part 3 - @See'U
maybe sebab busy sangat lately and keluarga pun tak berpecah2 (i mean, adik dah bukan kat rumah, dia kat uitm) hehe. so, kena la tunggu semua ada baru boleh nak keluar makan sama2 :P
ouhh aku suka makan steamboat dekat sini! actually family aku sangat la TAK SUKA. they prefer johnny's steamboat. tapi diorang beralah jugak la sebab birthday girl kan *wink wink*
okay dah, aku rasa cerita about birthday aku setakat ni je. hehe.
sekiann :)
p/s: masih susah nak menerima yang aku ni dah 20 tahun! HAHA.
30/5 - 5/6 (Hijabi Fashion Week)
Monday, June 6, 2011
usually, this is how my nuffnang analytic for a week would be.
but unexpectedly, the UVs during the hijabi fashion week is this much:
beza dekat 600 UV untuk minggu ni and minggu lepas! huish. aku pun terkejut. biasanya above 50 je. ye la kan, follower pun baru 140. aku pulak tu blogger yang entah apa2. tu yang jakun semacam haha.
4th june tu aku buat birthday party, so tak dapat la nak post anything on that day.
then lepas tu viewers dah ada from overseas! this is beyond my expectation! i'm soo thankful.
4th june tu aku buat birthday party, so tak dapat la nak post anything on that day.
then lepas tu viewers dah ada from overseas! this is beyond my expectation! i'm soo thankful.
my special thanks to first of all, Asma & Em for holding such a great online event. and i'm just lucky enough to get an opportunity to join! :)
and of course, thanks to mama too for being such a patient photographer! heee. it was so sweet that my mum being so supportive throughout the whole process. mama, sorry that i woke you up in the middle of the night just to ask you how do i look and take my pictures! hee, you know i love you! :)
p/s: received a lot of positive comments. thank you all :)
p/s: ada gambar aku dalam article French L-Express Styles :P