I'm turning 20 years old today !

yeay! HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY TO ME! hehe ;P

so disebabkan aku nak buat birthday party this saturday, 4th june, so, hari ni celebration nya macam simple2 je la :)

pagi2 hari, off we went to UiTM Lendu sebab nak celebrate sekali dengan adik jugak.

there, kitorang borak2, potong cake, makan2 breakfast :)

adik ada class at 12.30 so before 11 kitorang dah balik rumah balik dah.

by the way, i actually received my birthday presents earlier hehe. mama + arab + adik + afir = 2 presents :

lepas tu dah tengahari sikit aku pun keluar dengan afir pulak :)

dah nak balik rumah, this is the sweetest part; mak afir masakkan aku ni; my favourite: sambal udang! heee. banyak kot! terlebih cukup untuk aku 1 family. terima kasih makcik! :)

lalalala...happy nya hari ni!! Thankyou Allah! :)

OMG. really looking forward for my pastel themed birthday party! ;D
  1. ooo iye? ok jgk.. xdela truk sgt make up elianto. hehe. tkut nk pkai

  2. ooo iye? ok jgk.. xdela truk sgt make up elianto. hehe. tkut nk pkai

  3. ooo iye? ok jgk.. xdela truk sgt make up elianto. hehe. tkut nk pkai

  4. eyeliner je yang best. yang lain bukan elianto sbb aku tak suka huhu. but still, okay je elianto weyy

  5. @syafiqahsaleh; belated sudah la sis huhu. 4th june tu party je :) thanks anyway! :)

  6. naj...
    kompem mnantu bik siti la ni..hehe

  7. @mlov; aminn aminn~ hahaha. doa2kan la :))


Makeover by Butterfly Project